Sunday, September 30, 2007
Alright, back!.. I'll blog bout yesterday now..
SaturdayMet up with Bernita for a while yesterday.. Yea, like 15 mins tops awhile.. She was gonna gimme my birthday present.. Like how bad of me to just take and go right?.. ): Sry Bernie.. But thank you for the pressie.. Black towel with my name hand sticthed on it.. Black is my favourite colour and the sticth makes it one of a kind!.. Thanks so much girl!.. (:
Off to meet my sis next.. Went on down to town with her.. I still haven't gotten birthday presents for my parents and sis yet.. =X Yea I know I know, I'm like so bad right?.. Sigh.. But yea, so that's the whole reason why I went out with my sis.. Yup yup.. So in the end, got my mum a necklace at Forever 21.. Yea man, my mum is hip!.. (: And we headed down to parkway next.. We couldn't decide what to get for my dad so we figured.. He liked fishing and he didn't want anything material.. So we got him LOADS OF SALMON SASHIMI!.. =D Yeap, so that's basically how it went.. Nothing much really.. Talked to Jud online and she said she was in town too!.. Wouldn't that be a surprise if I were to meet her then and there!..
oh oh.. One more thing.. All Italian Affair.. Yeap, that's what I would call it.. From what I'd seen yesterday.. Got down the bus and a red F430 Spyder zipped passed.. And walking along the hotels.. 2 more of those spyders, one 360 Challenge Stradale and a Quattroporte.. Yea yea, I know what ur thinking.. I'm lost in my own world of cars again.. But here's a picture of what I saw.. No drooling!.. (:

Ferrari F430 Spyder.. Saw 3 of these.. One in red, yellow and grey..

Ferrari 360 Challenge Stradale.. In yellow..

Maserati Quattroporte.. In dark blue..
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Alright, I've been going out yesterday and today.. Loads of walking and legs are tired now.. NO MORE CONVERSE SHOES FOR ME!.. LOL.. They really hurt my feet and I think it's cuz of the flat base.. Yeap.. So used to wearing Nikes.. My feet trust them too much!.. So here's what went down.. (:
FridayOut yesterday with.. ROYCE!.. LOL.. He booked out already and he wanted to splurge.. =X So yea, he looks good with his hair off.. Cool dude!.. And yea, he was all with that NS experience and stuff.. But I'm sry for making u wait dude.. Really am.. Yeap, I made the dude wait.. For 1 1/2 hrs.. =X I don't know why I'm saying this but yea.. Sry.. Met him at Vivo.. Zipped in and out shops.. Like those high end ones looking for.. Well, clothes.. Nothing much there really and river Island at Vivo.. They changed their clothes for the season alrdy.. The new ones are not exactly uberly nice but average.. As compared to the previous season.. And they cost a lot more too!.. ): Boo hoo!.. So we decided to go to Raffles since that's where we saw the clothes in the first place.. Yeap.. And well, bad luck.. To think that we were so naive to think that they only changed the season at one location.. So yea.. ): Headed to Marina later on.. Walked past Topman and this sleeveless vest thingy.. Cardigan material caught Royce's eye.. Tried it on and he just decided to buy it.. Just like that.. Well, I tried on this hat too.. They said that I could pull it off but the main question was.. How often am I gonna where that?.. Yup yup..
We were just gonna leave and another thing caught his eye.. It was.. *Drum roll please.. LIQIN!.. LOL.. Yeap, surprise surprise dude!.. *Great thinking and some evil planning and there she was!.. He was really surprised man!.. Should have captured his look!.. PRICELESS!.. Haha.. But yea, I nearly ruined by saying.. "let's go to Suntec.. Then U and me and Liqin can play outrun!.." Right Robby.. Don't do that again.. Luckily I managed to bluff my way outta it.. Royce is naive too!.. =X LOL.. Yeap, so all 3 of us headed to FIN Seafood Cafe after that.. Dinner time!.. (:
Royce had Baked Rice and Fish, Liqin had the Seafood Ala Olio Olio and I had the Pan - Fried Salmon with Herbal Butter Sauce.. Food was uberific!.. Though the portions were small, it's enough to fill.. Trust me!.. (:

Pan - Fried Salmon with Herbal Butter Sauce.. Only one way to describe this.. Mmmmmmm.. Especially the sauce on the outer side of the plate.. (:
Walked around some more and headed to Raffles Shopping Center.. Showed Liqin what all the fuss was about at River Island.. And surprisingly, our tummy's were hungry.. And it's only been awhile since we ate dinner.. Actually, we were heading down to the basement and saw this desert that a group of people were eating.. Looked so tempting.. And so yea, temptation overwhelmed us all and before u know it.. We were sitting down waiting for that desert to be served up!..

Strawberry Crepe.. (:
Yeap, that's it.. Strawberries were fresh and juicy.. It wasn't crispy as we thought it was gonna be but still.. And the ice cream was so smooth in the mouth.. Ok, no drooling now people.. Haha.. Yeap, so that's practically desert.. Oh oh.. And the restaurant's nme is Out of The Pan.. Yup yup.. Headed home after that.. Some pictures we took after that.. A lil pose here and there, some cheeky ones and all the others that come with it.. Yeap.. (:

Had a great time u guys.. And it's nice seeing u again dude!.. (: And same to u Liqin.. Get that throat all better yea.. (: Take care u guys and do this again soon!.. (:
I'll blog bout saturday tmr.. Tired now.. Well, nights and cya.. (:
Hey people.. Bout the other post the other day.. Sry I sounded so down.. I'm all better now.. Yeap.. It's just that I was told something which really hurt.. Dug up all my flaws and insecurities.. Post it for the world to see.. That's basically what happened.. But I'm alright now.. (:
Thanks to the people that were there for me.. I really appreciate it a lot that u guys were there, all ur msgs and stuff.. Amanda, Shi Han, Bernita, Liqin, Royce and Judith.. Thanks so much u guys.. (:
Just really feel thankful to have friends like u.. Yeap.. (:
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Running away in my mind.. Not caring bout time, space and everything else.. All alone now.. This dark place.. Room.. Box.. All alone, dark.. No one there.. To care, to hear.. To what I've gotta say.. No ears that wanna listen.. I shut myself out from everything else.. Why?.. I wanna be alone.. I wanna go through this all by myself.. Do I?.. Do I really wanna go through it alone?.. No.. Afraid to open up.. Afraid that I might shed a tear doing so.. And suddenly I'm fragile, all over again.. Exposed to everything else.. My flaws and everything else that comes with it.. I'm a dreamer, that I know of.. But is it so bad to dream.. Dream big, that's what they say.. But do u really wanna do that?.. What if ur dreams don't come true?.. U fall.. And they say, well.. At least u don't fall that low.. I'm different.. Is that so wrong?.. I wanna live life differently from others.. Not just one that goes with the flow.. Going with the flow.. Is that even living at all?.. I wanna step out.. Do something, be somebody.. Just need some belief.. If only u knew how I work.. Then maybe, just maybe u'll know why I'm like this.. Why I act the way I do, why I am like this.. Understand me.. And u'll see things through my eyes.. Tears shedding at almost every instant.. Just covered up by a mask that hides it all.. Afraid that once it's all exposed, everything that has some meaning to me will be gone.. Vanished.. Disappeared.. Be nonexistent.. And what do I have left after all that?.. Nothing..
Manda and Hannie.. Thanks..
Waking up at the start of the end of the world
But it's feeling just like every other morning before
Now I wonder what my life is gonna mean if it's gone
The cars are moving like a half a mile an hour if that
Started staring at the passengers waving goodbye
Can you tell me what was ever really special about me all this time
But I believe the world
Is burning to the ground
Oh well I guess
We're gonna find out
Let's see how far we've come
Let's see how far we've come
I believe it all
Is coming to an end
Oh well I guess we're gonna pretend
Let's see how far we've come
Let's see how far we've come
I think it turned ten o'clock but I don't really know
I can't remember caring for an hour or so
Started crying and I couldn't stop myself
I started running but there's nowhere to run to
I sat down on the street, took a look at myself
Said where you going man you know the world is heading for hell
Say your goodbyes if you've got someone you can
Say goodbye to
I believe the world
Is burning to the ground
Oh well I guess
We're gonna find out
Let's see how far we've come
Let's see how far we've come
I believe it all
Is coming to an end
Oh well I guess we're gonna pretend
Let's see how far we've come
Let's see how far we've come
It's gone gone baby it's all gone
There is no one on the corner and there’s no one at home
It was cool cool, it was just all cool
Now it’s over for me and it’s over for you
Well it's gone gone baby it's all gone
There is no one on the corner and there’s no one at home
Well it was cool cool, it was just all cool
Now it’s over for me and it’s over for you
But I believe the world
Is burning to the ground
Oh well I guess
We're gonna find out
Let's see how far we've come
Let’s see how far we’ve come
Well I believe it all
Is coming to an end
Oh well I guess we're gonna pretend
Let's see how far we've come
Let's see how far we've comeMatchbox Twenty
How Far We've Come
Exile On Mainstream
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Do you know?..
The fastest speeding ticket was handed out to a guy in Texas.. Apparently he was doing 242mph.. That's equivalent to nearly 390kmph!.. Totally cool if u ask me!.. It was worth the ticket!.. =X
Lizards communicate with one another by doing push ups..
Cats can hear ultrasound!.. Talk about sensitive hearing!..
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Oh boy.. I'm having a majorly bad headache but just have the urge to blog now.. Haha.. So it's 2 weeks exactly till I go in.. 14 days minus 2 till Manda's birthday.. So many things are coming up!.. Hmmm.. Last day of work this coming Friday.. Also meeting Royce on Friday.. Yeap, his 2 weeks are done.. Ain't that like so fast?.. Meeting Bernita on Saturday.. Outing with my sis on Saturday too.. Oh oh.. Clash!.. Ok, I gotta go rearrange Saturday then.. Moving on.. Next week, outing with Ling and Manda, and also to go get my stuff.. And maybe on next Saturday of Sunday, SHAVE!.. Hair that is.. All off!.. And the finally on the 9th.. I'm in!.. Haha..
Just watched this show just now.. Bout James Blunt returning to Kosova.. Some war happened in 1999 and he's gone back to see how are things and to see the 2 families that he'd been close with.. It nearly made me tear.. How things there are and how lucky we are to be living here.. In the end, the 2 families couldn't be found.. They were living in the countryside but moved to the city as they couldn't provide for themselves and had to earn money in the city.. Just in deep thought now.. Yeap..
Ahh.. Ok, headaches telling to go to bed.. It seriously hurts.. It feels like a python around my head.. Squeezing it and I can feel the blood pumping through my brain!.. Ok, a song before I go.. I'm out!.. (:
I dreamed I was missing
You were so scared
But no one would listen
Cause no one else cared
After my dreaming
I woke with this fear
What am I leaving
When I'm done here
So if you're asking me
I want you to know
When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I've done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed
And don't resent me
And when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest
Don't be afraid
I've taken my beating
I've shared what I made
I'm strong on the surface
Not all the way through
I've never been perfect
But neither have you
So if you're asking me
I want you to know
When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I've done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed
Don't resent me
And when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest
All the hurt inside
You've learned to hide so well
Someone else can come and save me from myself
I can't be who you are
When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I've done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed
Don't resent me
And when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest
All the hurt inside
You've learned to hide so well
Someone else can come and save me from myself
I can't be who you are
I can't be who you areLinkin Park
Leave Out All The Rest
Minutes To Midnight
Sunday, September 23, 2007
I'm not a toy, stop playing with me..
Another weekend gone by just like that.. And I really didn't do very much.. ): Oh well, guess u can't really do much since ur fasting and all.. It's not say it's bad but.. Well, I do feel lethargic and not to mention tired.. It's not the hunger I guess.. More of the thirst.. Yeap.. Oh but there's one thing to say though, I GAINED A KILO!.. LOL.. Went most ppl are losing weight, especially my family.. Turns out that I'm the one gaining it!.. Haha.. Ironic?.. Go figure.. (:
Ok, not the whole weekend was wasted.. I did manage to catch the MTV Video Music Awards '07 yesterday afternn.. It was totally cool!.. It was at the PALMS in Las Vegas, Vegas baby!.. Haha.. They took over the whole hotel and stuff.. And in different rooms of the hotel, there were like different artists performing.. From Fall Out Boy, Gym Class Heroes, Linkin Park and the The Foo Fighters.. To Kanye West, Justin Timberlake, Timbaland, Nelly Furtado and 50 cent!.. And the live performances were even better!.. But the party piece was the ending.. Nelly Furtado, Timbaland and Justin Timberlake closing the show off!.. Absolutely stunning performance!..
And here were some of the winners.. (:
Monster Single of the Year Winner - Rihanna f/ Jay-Z - Umbrella
Quadruple Threat of the Year Winner - Justin Timberlake
Best Collaboration Winner - Beyoncé f/ Shakira - Beautiful Liar
Male Artist of the Year Winner - Justin Timberlake
Female Artist of the Year Winner - Fergie
Best Group Winner - Fall Out Boy
Best New Artist Winner - Gym Class Heroes
Video of the Year Winner - Rihanna f/ Jay-Z - Umbrella
Best Choreography Winner - Justin Timberlake - My Love
Best Direction Winner - Justin Timberlake - What Goes Around.. Comes Around
Best Editing Winner - Gnarls Barkley - Smiley Faces
So So so thrilled when Justin Timerlake won male artist of the year!.. And he won more awards too!.. Yup yup.. U just gotta love that guy.. I mean he's hot yea, and I like his dressing and style quite a bit.. Ok, I maybe a lil lagging when I comes to knowing who won but still, I did manage to catch the show.. Yeap.. And one last thing.. Britney's performance was.. Erm.. Well, disgusting?.. Her flab and all.. Eeee.. Kinda made me wish I had sore eyes while watching the performance.. She should go fix her life or something.. At least dress decently when u have something like that protruding from ur belly.. Ok, sue me.. I'm mean but I think u guys get the point.. If u'd seen it, I think u guys would do the same!.. LOL..
And if u wanna know more, here's the linkie..
MTV Video Music Awards 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
Two to one
Static to the sound of you and I
Undone for the last time
And there this was
Hiding at the bottom of your
Swimming pool some September
And don't you think
I wish I could stay
Your lips give you away
I can hear it, the jet engine
Through the center of the storm
And I'm thinking I'd
Prefer not to be rescued
Two to none
Roads that lead away from this
I'm following myself just this once
And I've got spun
It appears you're spun as well
It happens when you pay attention
This could take all year, but
When it's quiet, does she hear me?
Jettisoned to the center of the storm
And I'm thinking I
Prefer not to be rescued
Oh, I can feel her, she's dying
Just to keep me cool
I'm finally numb, so please
Don't get me rescued
And it's unclear
But this may be my last song
Oh, I, I can tell
She's raising hell to give to me
She got me warm
So please don't get me rescued
Oh, say you'll miss me one last time
I'll be strong, but whatever you do
Please don't get me rescued
Cause I'm feeling like
I might need to be near you
And I feel alright, so please
Don't get me rescuedJack's Mannequin
Everything In Transit
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Just got back from dinner at granny's.. Don't really see her and grandpa that often so yea.. Missing them I guess.. (: *Loves.. Had briyani rice but it wasn't very appetising to begin with.. But it was dinner, not to mention food after 13+ hrs of not eating and drinking so yea.. It'll do..
Went out with Deborah today.. Haven't seen her in awhile and she's just finished with her prelims.. Haven't spoken to her in awhile too.. All I know is that she's stressed and been falling sick way too often.. So yea, was nice seeing her again today in a looong while.. And and, she got me a bdae present.. (: Thanks sooo much Debs!.. Ok, she's like way ahead.. Like 25 days ahead.. But yea, it's the thought that counts right.. Really appreciative for her doing that.. (: Speaking of which, I haven't opened it yet.. Later then or should I keep it till well, my bdae?.. Hmm.. Decisions decisions.. Oh well.. Hee..
We took a stroll round TM and Cs.. Walked into Sembawang Music and Popular Bookstore.. Both times the alarms rang went I walked outta the shops.. Arghh.. This is so frustrating!..I'm like having a freaking phobia every time I walk through those sensors.. I'm scared they'll go off.. I mean, I didn't take anything from the shops.. They just well, ring.. And my heart seriously beats faster and faster every time I wanna walk out of shops with those thingys.. Ok ppl, pls don't exploit me.. =X
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Hello.. (: So, I think this is gonna be a totally random post.. Just looking through some pictures in my phone.. Gonna post some of them up.. Yes yes ok.. I'm bored and lead a boring life.. LOL..

Sunrise at the airport..

Dinner at Sakura.. Yes, this is the only pic I took .. LOL.. Traffic lights says the drinks.. ;)

Wedding cake my mummy made for one of her clients.. Ain't it gorgeous.. (:

Mummy and daddy on one of our family outings.. Fishing at Changi beach.. (:

Sunset at Changi beach.. (:

Sis was deciding which shoes to buy.. Bought the red ones eventually.. (:

Lil bro, sis and me.. (:

Wolfie.. The dark side of me.. Haha.. Joking, it's one of my pieces I did during my free time..

Donuts from the donut factory.. One was for Jasmine.. For her bdae.. (:

Me and my sis before my graduation.. (:

Me and lil bro.. he's always doing that face when we take pictures.. Go figure..

New specs, new haircut.. (:
Well, yea.. That's about it.. Come to think of it.. I don't really have that many photos of mummy and daddy in my phone.. 20 more days of freedom left.. Waited for it so long and now that it's here.. Days are moving sooo fast.. Kinda hesitant at times too.. Anyhow yea.. That's it from me for now.. (:
P.S. Get well soon Liqin.. (:
Monday, September 17, 2007
I wanted to be like you
I wanted everything
So I tried to be like you
And I got swept away
I didn't know that it was so cold
And you needed someone
to show you the way
So I took your hand and we figured out
That when the time comes
I'd take you away
If you want to
I can save you
I can take you away from here
So lonely inside
So busy out there
And all you wanted
was somebody who cares
I'm sinking slowly
So hurry hold me
Your hand is all I have to keep me hanging on
Please can you tell me
So I can finally see
Where you go when you're gone
If you want to
I can save you
I can take you away from here
So lonely inside
So busy out there
And all you wanted
was somebody who cares
All you wanted was somebody who cares
If you need me you know I'll be there
Oh, yeah
If you want to
I can save you
I can take you away from here
So lonely inside
So busy out there
And all you wanted
was somebody who cares
Please can you tell me
So I can finally see
Where you go when you're goneMichelle Branch
All You Wanted
Spirit Room
Things change, people change.. Feelings change..
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Dinner at Sakura yesterday was awwwesome!.. Made even better by the fact that I'm like fasting now.. Yea, today's the third day already.. No FOOD AND DRINKS from 5.30am till like 7.06pm EVERYDAY!.. So that's like 13+ hours with no FOOD AND DRINKS.. I'm not complaining or anything but yea.. Some info for u guys.. ;)
So bout the dinner.. Went straight for the sushi and my salmon cravings are now satisfied!.. And not for getting steak too!.. Ok OMG but my family was complaining bout me yesterday coz I had like 5 to 6 cups of drinks.. I'm not being greedy or anything but I just taking new cups when I finish my drink.. Haha.. Dunno why though.. So yea, that's dinner for u.. YUMMY!.. Thanks MUMMY AND DADDY!.. (:
I'm working morning shifts now.. From like 6am till 10am every monS, wedS and friS.. Ok, over the next 2 weeks.. Yeap.. Oh oh.. And u know what!?.. The company said that they were gonna give us some goodies since we've been working here for quite long already.. We've referring to my other friends.. Talk about long service award.. We thought perfumes or something but.. -.- Trolley bags???.. It was nice though but kinda anti climax don't u think.. Haha.. Ok, out!.. (:
Friday, September 14, 2007
Hmm.. It's raining again.. Cold and wet.. =/ Kinda makes me understand why ppl in cold countries feel so miserable.. Well, kinda at least.. So Royce has already gone in.. Like yesterday.. Terence today.. Liqin and Bernita done with exams.. Well, prelims at least.. Outings anyone?.. Haha.. And I'm left with 25 days more of freedom.. A week's worth of work.. Since I counted I have only 7 days of work left.. Time flies so fast and before u know it, September is here.. And looking at the way things have gone so far, I'm really staring to appreciate life a lot more.. My family and especially my friends.. That's not forgetting my twin Amanda, my dear friend Huiling and Deborah.. (: Ok, Robby is emo-ing again.. Haha.. But yea, I'm seriously sitting down and really thinking about all this for the first time in a long while now.. Ok, ignore Robby.. *He's seriously emo-ing it.. Hee..
Well, here's a song from Yellowcard's new album.. Their first video in fact from this album.. Lyrics below.. (:
You're making choice to live like this
In all of the noise I Am Silence.
We already know how it ends tonight
You run in the dark through a firefight
I would explode just to save your life
I would explode
Let me light up the sky
Light it up for you
Let me tell you why
I would die for you
Let me light up the sky
I can't find a wall to pin this to
They're all coming down since I've found you
I just want to be where you are tonight
I run in the dark looking for some light
How will we know if we just don't try
We won't ever know
Let me light up the sky
Light it up for you
Let me tell you why
I would die for you
Let me light up the sky
Light it up for you
Let me make this mine
I'll ignite for you
Let me light up the sky just for you tonight
Let me help you fly you won't have time
To cover your eyes or get your disguise
They won't ask you why they'll just watch you die
And it's still so hard to be who you are
So you play this part and the show goes on
but you've come this far with a broken heart
You've come this far and you're broken
Let me light up the sky
Light it up for you
Let me tell you why
I would die for you
Let me light up the sky
Light it up for you
Let me make this mine
I'll ignite for you
I'll ignite for you
Let me light up the sky
Light it up for you
Let me tell you why
I would die for you
And it's still so hard to be who you are,
But you've come this far with a broken heart..
And it's still so hard to be who you are,
But you've come this far with a broken..
Let me light up the sky
Let me light up the skyYellowcard
Light Up The Sky
Paper Walls
Thursday, September 13, 2007
I saw the new iPod nano ad.. Pretty cool and not to mention cute.. But the song that was playing really caught my attention.. It's catchy but sweet at the same time.. It's called 1234.. Yeap, u heard me.. And I was telling Bernita this aftern.. No wait.. Yesterday afternoon since it's thursday already.. *Robby don't think too much.. Ok, yea.. I told her in the afternoon at, guess what time.. 12.34pm!.. LOL.. Anyways, lyrics below.. Short post.. (:
One Two Three Four
Tell me that you love me more
Sleepless long nights
That is what my youth was for
Old teenage hopes are alive at your door
Left you with nothing but they want some more
Oh, you're changing your heart
Oh, You know who you are
Sweetheart bitterheart now I can tell you apart
Cosy and cold, put the horse before the cart
Those teenage hopes who have tears in their eyes
Too scared to own up to one little lie
Oh, you're changing your heart
Oh, you know who you are
One, two, three, four, five, six, nine, or ten
Money can't buy you back the love that you had then
One, two, three, four, five, six, nine, or ten
Money can't buy you back the love that you had then
Oh, you're changing your heart
Oh, you know who you are
Oh, you're changing your heart
Oh, you know who you are
Oh, who you are
For the teenage boys
They're breaking your heart
For the teenage boys
They're breaking your heartFeist
The Reminder
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
OMG!.. Lamborghini just released a new model!.. It's called the Lamborghini Reventon and the design is inspired by the F-22 Raptor.. Ok, there goes Robby with car talk again.. It's a fighter jet for all u ppl out there.. Hee.. Only 20 will be built and the price for it.. *drum roll please.. $1.6 million USD!.. And ppl that wanna buy it have to put down THAT initial deposit.. But according to the article, most probably all have been snapped up!.. Anyways, pics are below.. No drooling ok?.. =X

Verdict = I want one!.. I mean, who doesn't right?.. So yea, another HOT car!.. (: If u want a larger view, click on the pics!.. Oh.. And if ur wondering which webbie I go to for all this car news/hype.. It's That's mainly for the pics.. For the news, it's Well, I check this sites out like every single day so yea.. I'm a
CAR NUT!!!.. (: Btw, got the lamborghini pics from leftlane news.. Yeap.. It's updated like dunno how many times a day!.. Ok, random post.. Bye!.. (:
P.S. I just noticed that it's September 11th.. Moment of silence for the ppl that lost their lives there.. Thank you..
Wee Hoo wee.. Alright, that was so random but.. Hello!.. (: LOL.. Went out with Royce yesterday.. It's like 3 more days till he goes in.. 13 Sept, Thursday.. He cancelled cycling with his friends since it was raining and out we went..
Met him at Century Square, and was well.. Expecting him to come walking in with a shaved head.. But no, no shaved head.. Haha.. He was wearing a cap and he was like.. "Yea man, the cap comes with hair!.. It's a wig and what not.." LOL.. But honestly, no shaved head.. He's gonna do that today I think.. Yeap.. Way to bluff me and Liqin.. LOL..
So anyhow, lunched and aracaded there for a while.. There's this game called Battle Gear 4.. It's like a racing game but there's a clutch in it!.. First time I ever saw that.. Been wanting to try it out but don't wanna be laughed at.. Anyway, we played it and.. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!.. OMG-ness!.. LOL.. It's really cool and u get to know how to use the clutch and all.. Ok, I admit I sucked.. Quite badly even but it was fun though.. Yup yup.. (:
Trained down to Suntec next.. More arcading and stuff.. Royce was really on a roll man.. Like freely spending as if he was printing money!.. Haha.. Walked round Suntec for awhile.. Went to this shop called Ppopcorn.. They have like movie posters from movies past, present and future one.. U know what I mean right.. Yea, and they're real reasonable too.. Small ones for $5 and up, big ones for $20 and up.. They've even got the TRANSFORMERS one that I'd been dreaming about!.. Headed to a shop right opposite to Popcorn.. It was selling vintage guns and samurai swords.. Totally cool but it kinda looked a lil fake to me.. That's my POV anyways.. Cuz there we some wooden kinda but not much attracted me.. Yeap.. Oh oh, did I mention that we gotta play with the NEW iPods?.. Yea, the shuffle, NEW nano and the classic.. The touch one only ships end of this month so yea.. But it was totally cool!.. And also saw this neat bag at Roots.. It's a mix btw the backpack and sling bag type.. Yeap..
To a stroll to Raffles City Shopping centre.. Wanted to intro Royce to this shop called River Island.. He's so HOOKED on that shop now!.. LOL..stuff there is better than Topman, I gotta say and prices aren't that bad either.. There was like bling which was totally after and just some nice shirts.. Yeap..
But in the end, we decided..
AFTER BMT!.. We're gonna shopping man!.. LOL.. All those things we saw.. And more.. After BMT!.. Now, there's something to look forward too!.. (:
Well, to be honest.. I was actually quite sad for him going in.. I mean it's another brather going in.. So I'll be quite lonely since that now leaves Xing and me who are btw, going in on the same day.. The only 2 bratherws left.. The others have already gone in or are going in this month.. Yea, I've still my other friends and all.. No offence u guys.. (: But guess it's cuz I been going with him, meeting other friends with him.. Over the last few weeks.. Ok, for the record.. I'm still straight but yea.. Sad.. Well, he looks excited from yesterday so yea.. GO FOR IT DUDE!.. (:
P.S. Hope u liked the cookies dude!.. And my mum sends her regards!.. (:
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Ok, this song was playing while I was walking on my way home yest night.. Quite an old one.. 1 to 2 yrs ago.. It's by snow patrol and it's swt.. Lyrics are below.. (: Oh oh, and I just realised something.. It's the 9th of Sept today!.. Exactly a month more before I enlist!.. 1 month more to Njoy!.. (:
All this feels strange and untrue
And I won't waste a minute without you
My bones ache, my skin feels cold
And I'm getting so tired and so old
The anger swells in my guts
And I won't feel these slices and cuts
I want so much to open your eyes
Cause I need you to look into mine
Tell me that you'll open your eyes
Get up, get out, get away from these liars
Cause they don't get your soul or your fire
Take my hand, knot your fingers through mine
And we'll walk from this dark room for the last time
Every minute from this minute now
We can do what we like anywhere
I want so much to open your eyes
Cause I need you to look into mine
Tell me that you'll open your eyes
All this feels strange and untrue
And I won't waste a minute without youSnow Patrol
Open Your Eyes
Eyes Open
Ok, I'm back.. Haha.. Part 2 wouldn't u think so.. Btw, bout the movie Ratatouille.. Well, according to the movie.. It's actually a dish.. A peasant dish.. Looks good though.. Yeap..
SaturdaySo about saturday's outing.. It was with Bernita!.. LOL.. Someone who I have only talked to online and msged.. One of Royce's friends.. Yeap.. Met her at Pasir Ris MRT after her tuition.. Got lost finding her in the train.. Haha.. It's like when we first met.. We were like.. Oh, HI!..
So anyways, trained down to Douby - Again.. Cuz I was there yesterday.. Bought tickets to Evan Almighty.. That Noah kinda movie, with the great floods and all.. Yup yup.. Guess what, we got like the back row seats!.. It was like cool man and center block too!.. WOOT!.. Haha..
Well, movie was like an hour away so we headed back to PS.. Just killing the time and stuff.. Ok, she likes books and I'm not really a book kinda person.. Well, do comic books count?.. Hee.. It's ok to be open minded yea, so I sorta let her talk me into books, what was it that was so interesting and stuff.. Turned out alright.. Books are friends!.. Ok, what am I talking about.. ROBBY!.. Get urslf together!..
On to the movie next.. Back seats = Great view!.. OMG, I could see everything!.. Ok, I'm not some old mountain tortoise that like just watched a movie for the first time but seriously.. Cuz it's not so often that u get the back row of seats.. Yup yup.. The seats that we got had no dividers and stuff so it was cool.. I was actually finding the slot to place the drink in!.. LOL.. Movie was funny though.. If u've watch, liked and understood the 40 Year Old Virgin (M18 btw) then this is pretty much around the same level.. Was ok, kinda funny and stuff.. But just ok.. Yeap..
Walked towards town and I was like explaining to her cars and how and why guys like'em.. Even stopped by Times and other book shops to look at books on cars.. Explaining to her and stuff.. And she was cool, I mean listening to all that.. Haha.. She didn't fall asleep so I think it wasn't that bad..
Dinner was at BK and headed to Bugis to play.. U guessed it.. Outrun2SP!.. Haha.. I'm addicted to that game!.. And trained to farrer park thereafter.. View from her house was FABULOUS!!!.. She lives on the 23rd storey.. Bout the view, it was OMG-ly BEAUTIFUL!.. Especially at night!.. U could see from bugis all the way to Raffles and onto the Marina area!.. Ok, only slightly but still, what a view!.. And she said that fireworks could be seen clearly!.. Lucky girl.. (:
So, yea.. That's about it.. She did walk me to the bus stop.. And it's quite far ok.. Not to mention scary too with all the foreign workers and all.. She's brave I tell u!.. Thanks Bernita.. (:
P.S. I just realised something.. No photos!.. LOL..
OUTINGS!.. OUTINGS!.. OUTINGS!.. I've been going on an outing spree over the last 2 days!.. Pay was in and I decided to splurge.. A lil.. Yup yup.. Went out with friends who had their one week September break for the prelims.. They were having O's so it was nice to spend some time with them.. Yeap.. (:
FridayWent out with Liqin and Royce for movie and dinner.. Royce and Liqin heading out first.. He needed to get his watched fixed cuz wooziness made a scratch on his rather exp watch.. Yeap.. And they took a bus ride which made a completely BIG round.. Haha.. They sounded lost at first but ended up at The Cathay itself.. LOL..
Met up with them at Bugis.. Got Liqin flowers.. Hee.. And yea, it's our first outing.. But I was in the mood so yea.. 2 pink daisies.. Hoped she liked it.. (:
Played Outrun2SP at Bugis for a while.. LOL.. Imagine 3 ppl sitting together in a 2 seater car!.. It was fun though.. Most of the time we ended up laughing more than driving.. Haha.. Trained to PS next and Royce recommeded this place, The Manhattan Fish Marker.. Ok, I know it sounds like a wet market selling fish but was actually a sub towards Fish an Co. It was great though, the food.. Yup yup.. Royce had the Manhattan Fish and Chips, Liqin had the King Salmon Cajun and me.. Well, I had the Flaming Platter for one.. They set the prawns on fire when they served it!.. Burned a lil but it smelled great and tasted even better!.. Emmm.. I'm getting more hungry as I'm writing this post.. Haha..
So, movie was next.. Ratatouille at The Grand Cathay!.. Atmosphere and ambiance was absolutely superb!.. Not to mention the seats were so cumfy!.. They had a lil pre-movie lineup before the main one.. Disney/ Pixar always does this.. It was the same with Cars and all the other movies they made.. This one was about some alien that went about abducting humans.. But!.. In a very unsuccessful way.!.. Watch it urslf yea.. I'm not the spoiler kind so, I'm not gonna spoil anything.. And the Ratatouille movie itself.. FANSTASTIC!.. CUTE!.. HILARIOUS!.. A MUST SEE REALLY!.. Yup yup.. That's what I really have to say.. (:
Headed down to simpang after the movie.. Supper time.. (: Royce picked out some good food for us to eat.. Mashed potatoes there were better than those from KFC and with the mayo.. STUNNING!.. ABSOLUTELY STUNNING!.. And the party piece came in the form of an ice cream prata tissue.. Hope I got that right.. Ahh, I forgot what's it called.. Mixed up the words and I closed the window on MSN.. Was asking Royce what it was called earlier on.. So anyways, it was great too.. Soft, crispy prata on the outside and cool, cold ice cream on the inside.. Not too bad a meal to end the day if I do say so myself..
Cabbed back after that.. Really had a great time u guys.. Wanna thank you guys so much!.. Hope to do it again soon.. (:
Food from The Manhattan Fish Market
Ice Cream Tissue Prata
Royce, Liqin and Me.. (:
Alright, so I'll continue with today's outing tmr.. Kinda tired from all that going out.. Yup yup.. Well, that's all for now.. Bye.. (:
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Hello again.. Week's been pretty much normal for me I guess.. Same old boring routine.. =/ Home, TV, Com, Workout and Work.. Yeap.. Well, I did meet Liqin yesterday.. So yea, that made things a lil more.. Hmm.. How should I say this.. Lively?.. Well, that's the only word I could think of.. Yea, put a smile on my face.. (:
So anyhow, on the bus ride home.. It felt a lil lonely.. ): Cuz I usually have either Oliver or Serene to accompany me on the bus ride home.. But Since they ended their jobs last friday, it was just me.. Kinda lonely, but I guess the music helps.. *Please don't die on me iPod.. Well, not till this job ends.. LOL..
Oh yea.. Almost forgot this.. There's this new Paco Rabanne poster that was just erected in the shop that I'm working at.. The poster boy.. OMG-ness!.. HOT-ness!.. Like seriously!.. I've really got motivation to go to the gym EVERY SINGLE DAY now!.. I mean, just look at it!..

Ok, for the record.. I'm still very much a straight guy thank you very much.. Haha.. But yea.. Gotten comments that his HOT and CUTE.. Well, least from those that likes the ang moh type.. Yup yup.. (:
I think I'll be placing a wishlist on my blog soon.. Been wanting to do it for so long now but I was just lazy.. Haha.. Well, I think mine's gonna cost a bomb but anyhow.. It's a WISHlist right.. (:
Ok and I wanna end by saying this.. Ok, guess somethings are better left unsaid but I mean, isn't it better that u found it out now rather than having to know that we're just putting on masks.. I'm sorry if I was harsh on my comments.. Truely I am.. And I would still wanna make it up to u.. At least get to know u better and stuff.. Understand why things are the way they are.. At least gimme a chance.. I don't want us to just shut it out just like that.. Yes, u hear things from ppl here and there but I wanna hear ur side too.. Really hope things can work out.. And once again.. I'm sorry..
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Waking up I see that everything is OK
The first time in my life and now it's so great
Slowing down I look around and I am so amazed
I think about the little things that make life great
I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling
This innocence is brilliant
I hope that it will stay
This moment is perfect
Please don't go away
I need you now
And I'll hold on to it
Don't you let it pass you by
I found a place so safe, not a single tear
The first time in my life and now it's so clear
Feel calm, I belong, I'm so happy here
It's so strong and now I let myself be sincere
I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling
This innocence is brilliant
I hope that it will stay
This moment is perfect
Please don't go away
I need you now
And I'll hold on to it
Don't you let it pass you by
It's a state of bliss, you think you're dreaming
It's the happiness inside that you're feeling
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry
It's a state of bliss, you think you're dreaming
It's the happiness inside that you're feeling
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry
This innocence is brilliant
Makes you wanna cry
This innocence is brilliance
Please don't go away
Cause I need you now
And I'll hold on to it
Don't you let it pass you by
This innocence is brilliant
I hope that it will stay
This moment is perfect
Please don't go away
I need you now
And I'll hold on to it
Don't you let it pass you byInnocence
Avril Lavigne
The Best Damn Thing
teary eyed.. and the heart bleeds again..
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Haven't blogged for 3 days now.. And like quite a lotta things happened.. So here's the breakdown.. (:
ThursdayOk, all I can remember.. Well, like the tagboard says.. Serene's middle finger!.. Haha.. Long story but all I have to say is that security deserved it.. And that's that.. Mind u, I even though of more stuff to make things worst but yea.. High 5 to Serene!.. She did the right thing!.. And if I were in her situation, I think it would have turned into a movie considering all the other nasty things I came up with.. =D
Friday Yesterday was.. Teacher's Day!.. Yayness!.. Haha.. Met up with Xing and Royce.. Went back to see.. Well, teacher's.. LOL.. But quite a lotta them left and sooo many fresh faces.. Saw Mr. Chan, Mdm Lau, Mr. Subra and Ms. Yew.. We were like stunned when she flashed the camera in our faces!.. LOL.. Mr. Subra was still cute.. And Mr. Chan gave me and Royce the chance to be relief teachers!.. (: But we gotta sign up with MOE first and if they approve.. Yays!.. But the sad part.. Royce has 2 weeks left and I have only 5.. Anyways yea, nice seeing schoolmates too!.. Wanted to see Mrs. Jessie Leong and Mr. Lee Kim Seng.. He became a councillor!.. Yea man!.. (:
Met up with Manda and Ling later on.. So sad.. Ling said vivo was too far.. Cast of Heroes was in town.. Thought of going there to see them but oh well.. Ladies first right?.. Hee.. So yea, met up at Bugis.. Didn't do anything much but ME AND MANDA RACED!.. Finally!.. Certified driver and me!.. (: And Ling was each of our passenger.. Haha.. I won but I think it was unfair.. I mean, I used a manual and I knew the track.. So, yea.. I'll give it to u girl for trying!.. She's GOOD!.. Manda!.. Hee.. (: Ling and I discussed some issues.. And yea, we both think too much about a situation.. I remebered this phrase..
Don't think, just feel..
It's kinda true I guess.. Yeap.. And work was tiring.. Legs hurt but it was the weekends the next day!.. (:
SaturdayYeap.. Today!.. SIM open house today!.. Been looking forward to this one.. But kinda disappointed in the end I guess.. Went with Royce.. Turns out that GPA didn't really matter.. I wanted to apply to RMIT for a Bachelor In Business (Marketing).. Turns out, there wasn't any attachment involved and no honours.. Just a distinction degree.. =/ And comparing UOL to RMIT.. Their studying styles were different too.. UOL offered more of an 'A' levels kinda thingy.. Meaning study, study, study.. RMIT on the other hand.. More towards poly..With projects and stuff.. So yea.. Royce and I agreed to checkout MDIS first before we make our decision.. I mean, we had 2 long years for goodness sake.. SIM was nice though.. The campus I mean.. Yup yup.. Had Ramli Burger for lunch.. YUMMY!.. Immediately reminded me of Manda.. And I kinda reminded her of the time she dropped it.. Haha.. Sry girl, just had too.. ;)
Yeap well, that's about it from me now.. Bye.. (:
A Lil Bout Me
Name's Robby, am a Libra, is Mixed and is currently serving NS. Put it simply, a simple guy with dreams. (:
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Cars, Movies, Dogs, Socialising, Music, Travelling, Surfing, Running, Food
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